Thursday, September 13, 2012

BJC's Upcoming Literary Events 2012-2013

September 20 - Aquinas College Reading Series 7:30pm reading in the Wege Ballroom   For students we'll have a lunchtime craft talk. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

October 6 - (Saturday) University of Michigan State of the Book event. Press Release:  Fiction Writers Review and the University of Michigan's MFA Program in Creative Writing will co-host a day-long literary symposium in Rackham Auditorium on the University of Michigan campus to celebrate Michigan's great writers and the state's enduring literary traditions by declaring Michigan "The State of the Book." We will do so with a series of public events that showcase the state's leading literary stars, in partnership with several of the state's leading non-profit literary organizations: 826michigan, Dzanc Books, InsideOut Literary Arts Project, The National Writers Series, and The Neutral Zone. The events will also feature the work of the next generation of writers that these organizations serve and support. Doing so will allow us to highlight the future artists of our literary state, as well as its current notable authors.
Panel: "Writing Michigan(s)," which will take place mid-afternoon on Saturday with Keith Taylor as moderator.

October 24-25 Wabash College, Indiana. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

October 27 - Casual writer's workshop for Literature for All of Us members! (Closed attendance, 3-6pm)  

November 7 - 7 pm The Box Factory - Reading poetry with the fabulous Susan Ramsey.

November 9 - Michigan Library Association Author of the Year event, Dearborn, Michigan - BJC speaks and accepts award.

November 12 - New York City, 92nd Street Y, reading with BJC and Barbara Kingsolver.

January 6-16 Seaside residency for Pacific University.

January 27 - Drink with readers at Old Dog Tavern for M-Live Book Club.

January 31 - M-Live Book Club event (BJC not actually attending)

February 11 - Visit with Elizabeth Kerlikowske at Kellogg Community College.

March 1 - Kalamazoo Art Hop, Kalamazoo Book Arts Center - This will be the opening of a month-long exhibit of artwork created with poetry and letter press work by many Kalamazoo writers and artists for a project called "The Divine Hours," and BJC is a part of this gang.

March 2013 AWP in Boston March 6 - 9

March 14, 2013 Mother-Daughter Reading at 

·         March 21 -  poetry reading at the Van Deusen Room at KPL (as part of the Divine Hours Project)

April 10-12 Ohio University Spring Lit Fest, Athens, Ohio (arranged by Blue Flower Arts).

August 5 - 16 2013 Upper Peninsula Bookstore tour from Sault Saint Marie to Copper Harbor. (more info to come.)

September 20-21 Kentucky Women's Writers Conference

September - University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. 

October 23-24 Owens Community College in Toledo and

October 24-25 Bowling Green State University reading and Friday morning class visit.

(The photo above was taken at 2012 Story Week in Chicago, and these were some fabulous Columbia College students.  Let me know if you know their names.)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bonnie Jo Campbell's public events 2012

April 28 (Saturday) 5:30 - 8:30 Michigan Notable Books celebration at Library of Michigan, 702 N. Kalamazoo Street, Lansing. BJC will moderate a panel containing Jaimy Gordon and Jesmyn Ward. (State of Michigan Library Notable Books event)

May 4 - Portage District Library, 6:30 pm --- Jack Driscoll reads, and then Jaimy Gordon and BJC take part in panel discussion about writing.

Mother's Day Event, May 12 --- 11am - 3pm - Chicago Literacy promotion event by Literature for All of Us.

May 15 - 12:00 - 2:00 Susan Doan's book club

May 15 - 5:00 Andy Mozina's Literary barbeque

May 18  WRHC-FM, Radio Harbor Country, St. Joseph, MI, 4:30pm interview with Enid Goldstein

May 19 - Visit Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library in St. Joseph, MI (as part of Michigan Notable Books Awards) 1-3pm to discuss writing and Red House Island.

March 26 - wedding of Mike Campbell and Leeann Johnson

May 29 - Andy Mozina's class discusses OUAR.

June 3 - Sunday, 3-6 pm, Old Dog Tavern, Paperback book release (Once Upon a River). All welcome. Michigan News Agency will sell books.

June  4 - Monday Comstock Township Library book release events 5:45 River Walk (meet at library) and 7pm Reading in the library.

June 6 - 1pm Interview with Ms. Lee Callahan CBS Radio Seattle   KPTK   KJAQ   KZOK  1000 Dexter Avenue North, Suite 100 Seattle, WA 98109  (INterview will air on Sunday morning in Seattle)

June 8 - 9am interview on The Morning Blend in Milwaukee, TMJ4 (event arranged by Sheryl Johnston, publicist)

June 8 - Reading with Natalie Baukopolis, Boswell Book Company, 2559 N Downer Ave Milwaukee WI (Paperback release event arranged by W.W. Norton).
June 9 - Saturday, Printer's Row 11:15 panel with Jennifer Day talking to BJC and Jesmyn Ward, winner of the National Book Award 2011. (Paperback release event arranged by W.W. Norton)

June 9 1:00 interview with John Kelly. (event arranged by publicist Sheryl Johnston)

June 12 EAGLE HARBOR BOOKSTORES, 157 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (Paperback release event, W.W. Norton)

June 13 - Seattle's Elliot Bay Bookstore 7pm (Paperback release event, W.W. Norton)

June 14 - 24 - Pacific University Low Residency MFA Residency, Forest Grove IL

June 15 - Public reading at Forest Grove campus Pacific University, 7:30pm. I'll be reading with two other faculty members. 

June 21 - 11am interview on Between the Covers on KBOO

June 21 - Powell's reading at main store, 7pm (Paperback release event, W.W. Norton)
June 27 - Book Passage San Francisco 7pm (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

June 28 - King’s English Bookstore in Salt Lake City 7pm (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

July 18 - Wednesday 7pm, The Book Cellar, Chicago reading, Q and A and signing.

July 19 - Book Stall, Winnetka, reading and signing, 6:30pm

Jul 22 - Writing group meeting

July 24 - WBEZ interview in Chicago 2pm with Steve Edwards

July 24  - Chicago book launch party for Shadow Show: All New Stories in honor of Ray Bradbury, in the lobby of the Inland Steel Building, 6:30pm.

August 16 - Thursday 6:30 Saturn Books, Gaylord, Michigan, Reading and Signing.(Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 17 - Friday signing 1-3 at McLean & Eakins in Petoskey, Michigan (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 18 - 2:00 - 4:00 Saturday reading and signing at Horizon Books (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton). We will have actors dramatizing the reading; it should be fun.

August 18 - 5:00 - 6:00 Meet & Greet at Brilliant Books in Suttons Bay, MI.  Come in and chat and have your book signed.

August 19 - Sunday 1pm reading and signing at Dog Ear Books, Northport, Michigan (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 20 - Monday, 1-3 Cottage Books signing, Glen Arbor, MI (Paperback release event by W.W. Norton)

August 21 -  25th Wedding anniversary BJC and darling Christopher

August 22 - Quick stop at Black River Books in South Haven.

September 6 - 7, 2012 - Kalamazoo College events (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts).

September 8 - Kerrytown Book Fest (W.W. Norton Book Release event)

September 12 - Introducing Susan Ramsey at Portage District Library event honoring the publication of her new book 

September 14 - BJC turns 50 years old! Yow!

September 20 - Aquinas College Reading Series 7:30pm reading  in the Wege Ballroom. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts) For students we'll have a lunchtime craft talk.

October 6 - (Saturday) Press Release:  Fiction Writers Review and the University of Michigan's MFA Program in Creative Writing will co-host a day-long literary symposium in Rackham Auditorium on the University of Michigan campus to celebrate Michigan's great writers and the state's enduring literary traditions by declaring Michigan "The State of the Book." We will do so with a series of public events that showcase the state's leading literary stars, in partnership with several of the state's leading non-profit literary organizations: 826michigan, Dzanc Books, InsideOut Literary Arts Project, The National Writers Series, and The Neutral Zone. The events will also feature the work of the next generation of writers that these organizations serve and support. Doing so will allow us to highlight the future artists of our literary state, as well as its current notable authors.
Panel: "Writing Michigan(s)," which will take place mid-afternoon on Saturday with Keith Taylor as moderator.

October 24-25 Wabash College, Indiana. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

October 27 - Casual writer's workshop for Literature for All of Us members! (Closed attendance, 3-6pm)  

November 7 - 7 pm The Box Factory - Reading poetry with the fabulous Susan Ramsey.

November 9 - Michigan Library Association Author of the Year event, Dearborn, Michigan - BJC speaks and accepts award.

November 12 - New York City, 92nd Street Y, reading with BJC and Barbara Kingsolver.

January 6-16 Seaside residency for Pacific University.

March 2013 AWP in Boston March 6 - 9

August 10-12 Ohio University event, Athens, Ohio (arranged by Blue Flower Arts).

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

BJC's 2012 Events

January 26 - MSU conference in Lansing,where I'll talk about meth use in Michigan in more stories.

Feb 9 - Vanderbilt University (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts.)

Feb 15 - 17 Notre Dame writing conference, appearing along with Jaimy Gordon. (event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

Feb 26 - Artifactory celebration of Kalamazoo poems at Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Kalamazoo.

Feb 29 - March 3 AWP in Chicago

Thursday, March 1, from 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM, in the Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago, 8th Floor.

Friday, March 2 -

11:00 - 12:00 I'll be hanging out at Wayne State University table; stop by and say hi

1:30 - 2:45 pm National Book Critics Circle reading (along with Jane Smiley and others!) This will be in the conference hotel ballroom.

Book signing Friday 3:30 - 4:00 at Blue Flower Arts booth #400

6pm dinner with NBCC folks

10pm AWP reception

March 8, 2012 - Oakland University Reading (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

March 18 - 22, 2012 - Story Week in Chicago

March 23 - Alumni events at Western Michigan University, alumni honors event
(BJC is the English Department's distinguished alum.), followed by reading at The Little Theatre at 8pm.

March 31 - Kalamazoo Public Library discussion about the book, Into the Beautiful North, led by BJC and Susan Ramsey. 6:30pm at Eastwood branch of KPL.

April 4 Cromaine Library events

April 12 - 13 - University of Illinois at Springfield, 8pm Brookens Auditorium
A reception and book signing will follow immediately!
Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

April 28 (Saturday) 5:30 - 8:30 Michigan Notable Books celebration at Library of Michigan, 702 N. Kalamazoo Street, Lansing. BJC will moderate a panel containing Jaimy Gordon and Jesmyn Ward. (State of Michigan Library Notable Books event)

Mother's Day Event, May 12 --- Chicago Literacy promotion event by Literature for All of Us.

May 15 - 12:00 - 2:00 Susan Doan's book club
5:00 Andy Mozina's Literary barbeque

May 19 - Visit Maud Preston Palenske Memorial Library in St. Joseph, MI (as part of Michigan Notable Books Awards) 1-3pm to discuss writing and Red House Island.

March 26 - wedding of Mike Campbell & Leeann Johnson

May 29 - Andy Mozina's class discusses OUAR.

June 9 - Printer's Row (Paperback release event arranged by W.W. Norton)

June 12 EAGLE HARBOR BOOKSTORES, 157 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (Paperback release event, W.W. NOrton)

June 13 - Seattle's Elliot Bay Bookstore (Paperback release event, W.W. Norton)

June 14 - 24 - Pacific University Low Residency MFA Residency, Forest Grove IL

June 27 - Salt Lake City (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

June 28 - San Francisco (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 16 - Thursday 6:30 Saturn Books, Gaylord, Michigan, Reading and Signing.(Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 17 - Friday signing 1-3 at McLean & Eakins in Petoskey, Michigan (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 18 - Saturday reading and signing at Horizon Books (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 19 - Sunday reading and signing at Dog Ear Books, Northport, Michigan (Paperback release event, by W.W. Norton)

August 20 - Monday, 1-3 Cottage Books signing, Glen Arbor, MI (Paperback release event by W.W. Norton)

September 6 - 7, 2012 - Kalamazoo College event (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts).

September 19 - Aquinas College Reading Series 7:30pm reading

October 17 - 18, 2012 Wabash College, Indiana. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

BJC's 2012 Events

January 26 - MSU conference in Lansing,where I'll talk about meth use in Michigan in more stories.

Feb 9 - (Thursday) Vanderbilt University. For more info: (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts.)

Feb 16 - (Thursday) Notre Dame Writing Conference. Panel 3:30 with Jaimy Gordon 3:30 pm, reading and Q&A 7pm. (event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

Feb 25 Kalamazoo Rod & Gun Club Orientation 10:00

Feb 26 - Artifactory celebration of Kalamazoo poems at Kalamazoo Valley Museum, Kalamazoo. Come on out and join the fun!

Feb 29 - March 3 AWP in Chicago

Thursday, March 1, from 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM, in the Lake Ontario, Hilton Chicago, 8th Floor, Midwestern writers panel.

Friday, March 2 -

11:00 - 12:00 I'll be hanging out at Wayne State University table; stop by and say hi

1:30 - 2:45 pm National Book Critics Circle reading (along with Jane Smiley and others!) This will be in the conference hotel ballroom.

Book signing Friday 3:30 - 4:00 at Blue Flower Arts booth #400

6pm dinner with NBCC folks

10pm AWP reception

March 7-9, 2012 - Oakland University Reading (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

March 18 - 22, 2012 - Story Week in Chicago

March 23 - Alumni events at Western Michigan University, alumni honors event
(BJC is the English Department's distinguished alum.), followed by reading at The Little Theatre at 8pm.

March 31 - Kalamazoo Public Library discussion about the book, Into the Beautiful North, led by BJC and Susan Ramsey. 6:30pm at Eastwood branch of KPL. (This event is part of 2012 Kalamazoo's Community Reads)

April 4 Cromaine Library?

April 12 - 13 - University of Illinois at Springfield (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

April 21 or 28 (Saturday) Michigan Notable Books celebration in Lansing.

May 2 - Jaimy Gordon & BJC celebrate Jack Driscoll at Portage Library 6:30. Jack reads and we all discuss.

May 12 (Saturday) - Honor Thy Mother luncheon at the Cycle and Saddle Club of Chicago, a benefit for Literature for All of Us. (Maybe I will bring Susanna along.) For more information about this organization contact them at

May 15 -

May 15 - 5:00 Andy Mozina's Literary barbeque

May 29 - Andy Mozina's class discusses OUAR.

June 13 - Read in Seattle at Elliott Bay 7pm

June 14 - 24 - Pacific Residency, Forest Grove IL

June 21 - Powells reading, main store, Portland, Oregon

June 27 - San Francisco reading at The Book Passage

June 28 - Thursday, King’s English Bookstore in Salt Lake City.

August 21 - BJC & CJM 25th Anniversary

September 6 - 7, 2012 - Kalamazoo College event.

September 14 -- BJC turns 50 years old

October 24-25, 2012 Wabash College, Indiana. (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)

(This photo is BJC with Don Quixote. The shirt is designed by Donkey Girl Fashions.)

March 18, 2013 Sesquehanna University 4:15 - 5:15 Q&A with students; 7:30 - 8:30 Fiction Reading (Event arranged by Blue Flower Arts)